On the White Coast of the Plemmirio Marine Protected Area of Syracuse
La Rosa sul Mare is easily reachable by car from the neighboring towns and the main Sicilian airports.
The bus line that connects La Rosa sul Mare with the City Center is number 123 Strada del Mare.
On the website https://www.saisautolinee.it/linee-urbane-sicilia/siracusa if you want to know the arrival time of the bus at the chiosen bus stop please click on the button «Segui il tuo bus» then, on the map that opens, select the bus stop of your interest to view the estimated arrival time. The closest bus stop to reach La Rosa sul Mare is in Strada Capo Murro di Porco n. 231. The closest bus stop to reach Villa Orchidea is in Traversa Renella n.72.
On the same website you can download routes and the list of resellers for purchasing tickets.
PAY ATTENTION. The timetables published by Sais by clicking on the “Orari” button are not promptly updated by Sais, and it is therefore possible that they are incorrect.
La Rosa sul Mare is located on the White Coast of the Plemmirio Marine Protected Area of Syracuse, in a strategic point for snorkeling and diving, characterized by crystal clear sea. The seabed of the Marine Area is distinguished by the extraordinary floral and faunal heritage, thanks to particular natural formations, similar to coral reefs, which favor the proliferation of different species: these platforms, made up of cemented mollusc shells are characteristic of the environment Mediterranean. The rocky coast has, in some places, cliffs with suggestive overhangs overlooking the sea. During the storms of Grecale and Libeccio (winds that blow from the north-east and south-west respectively) a particular hydro-pneumatic effect is produced which generates spectacular water columns.
Plemmirio, celebrated since ancient times, is the name assigned to the promontory and the district between Punta della Mola to the north and Punta Milocca to the south. It forms the eastern edge of the Maddalena Peninsula, located in the southern area of Syracuse.
GPS coordinates in GD (decimal degrees). Latitude: 37.007665 | Longitude: 15.311788
GMS (degrees, minutes, seconds). Longitude: EAST 15 ° 18’43 “Latitude: NORTH 37 ° 00’28”
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More info? Call +39 0931 714813 or write to info@larosasulmare.com